Welcome to influxcomics.com


Upload error…

I have an issue where I never know what to name files, and ended up with two comic files named “issue 2” and uploaded the wrong one. The correct file is now up. Only major changes are the last 5 pages, starting at frame 148. You can. Skip directly to…

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Positron Punk issue 2 is now live!!!

Took a bit longer than I wanted, but I got it done and uploaded before heading to work today. Issue 1 has also been edited to fix progression issues and also now directly links to issue 2. Go give em a read. Issue 2 standard cover

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Still Working…

Issue 2 is well under way and should be out before too long. Had to take a few weeks off due to flu AND Covid back to back. But have spent all my other free time grinding and pumping out pages. Stay tuned, it’ll be out soon.

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Mashup my homie made. pretty rad. https://remix.audio/track/54345/savinthedangerous he has a Twitch channel too. Saturdays at 9e/8c https://www.twitch.tv/deseipel

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Posted issue 1! After months of hard work, I’m super proud to finally release the first Issue of my long awaited comic project. been a helluva journey getting here. but it was well worth it lots lof learning, trial, and error. edit after edit, learning new applications, WordPress, all of…

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Site under attack

Currently in the midst of a Russian bot attack. Will have to remove all contact and comments sections from the site until I can find a solution.

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Influx Comics specializes in “mature themed” stories and subject matter. this may include some instances of nudity and sensitive subjects. Discretion is advised.