Posted issue 1!

After months of hard work, I’m super proud to finally release the first Issue of my long awaited comic project.

been a helluva journey getting here. but it was well worth it lots lof learning, trial, and error. edit after edit, learning new applications, WordPress, all of it. Hit it up and let me know what you think. Looking forward to feedback.


thanks for stopping by


ISSUE 1 IS NOW LIVE!!! Read More »


On Sunday a tornadic storm swept thru the area I live. Ahead of it was 93mph sustained winds that blew most of the towns old big trees over. One of those was beside my house, and then for two days it was IN my house.

My coworkers from my day job all pitched in and helped me remove it today. But there’s still a shit ton of repairs that need to be done on the wall the tree took out, and roof.

As you might imagine, it will be ME doing those repairs. So unfortunately, for the time being (next month or so) the comic is on hold.

We were very lucky the tornado proper didn’t touch down HERE. I’m thankful for all the work my friends out in today. I honestly don’t think I could have done it alone.


Finalized DEMO up

Took all the feedback and applied it to the transition timing. Turns out people like instantaneous transition over dramatic ones. So that’s what I’m going with.

Also edited the last page to give a better idea of what is actually happening. Head over to the comics page and give’er a look.

Finalized DEMO up Read More »

My biggest issue…

The biggest problem with making the comic the way I have, (using Apple’s Keynote) is that the output file is rather huge. Maybe not by a lot of standards in todays world, but as it stands in it’s current form, it’s totals 140MB.

I’m assuming this is due to the transitions, as the images themselves aren’t that large, even accounting for how many there are.

If anyone out there know a way to compress the file sizes, let me know.

I will say I’m trying to find a new way to display the comic, that allows for me to add a loading screen.

My biggest issue… Read More »